Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Day Like Today

Days like these . . . when the last roll of toilet paper can put someone over the edge...
when I miss my mom more than usual...

when the road ahead is gravel and I'm walking barefoot.

Days like these . . . when the rain won't let up...
when sushi won't do the trick...
when I know the world is flat because my toes are curled over the edge.

Days like these . . . when the knowledge I've acquired doesn't give me a better understanding...
when I can't find myself in the crowd...
when I fall like a tree and no one hears a sound.

Days like these . . . when what I thought it was is not what it is...
when I rebelliously grind the coffee a few seconds longer...
when the coffee tastes the same anyway.

Days like these . . . when my heart is still...
when my mind is racing...
when my soul is aching.

Days like today . . .
when I realize my stripes were painted on.


Michelle's Spell said...

Hey Lindy,

You're singing my song on this one! I always get this feeling at the end of summer. Something about August is so sad! Love the pictures.

eric1313 said...

This is beautiful.

I love the idea of painted on stripes, of feeling like I could fit in if I wanted to do so, but today I won't even try. Let the world change itself to my shade of palor or not at all.