Friday, February 22, 2008

God's Living Canvas of Perfection and Beauty

Moon rise over Lake Saint Clair - February 20, 2008 - the night of the lunar eclipse. This was the actual sight; what it really looked like. No editing or special effects. The colors were unbelievable. Gorgeous. Surreal. God truly is the Greatest artist and creator. The beauty of this moon rise made my evening.
Then, of course, there was the amazing lunar eclipse later that night . . . the red glowing veil over the moon . . . my camera could not capture that sight.
During times like these . . . tough times . . . times of transition . . . these glimpses of perfection that I see all around me are the things that keep me breathing, smiling, living, laughing, loving, dancing, writing, believing, hoping, dreaming, knowing . . . it is all good . . . everything is good. Ahhhhhh.

This image is poetry rising . . . and I'll post a poem (when it spills forth onto paper) on my Sacred Footing blog.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Warhola said: The geometry and color of the images is spectacular.

the walking man said...

I am sure, Lindy, that god was pleased at your pleasure.



Pythia3 said...

Thanks for the comments.
Today God's painting the canvas white.
My camera's charged and ready.